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Perfect Cut

‘Perfect Cut’ is a set of desktop tools that allows inexperienced users to perform precise cuts on various sheet materials like cardboard, foam core, leather, and cloth.

It assists the users to control the angle and depth of the cut, in cases of cutting circles and splines freehanded and along straight edges. There are snap-off blades, scalpels, rotary cutters, two sliders, circle cutter tools, and rulers in the set. With different combinations of the parts, ‘The Perfect Cut’ not only performs all kinds of impeccable cuts, but also saves time on practicing and redoing.

Perfect Cut 是一組多功能美工刀,目的在讓使用者能輕鬆又準確地處理高難度的切割。鋒利的30度刀片、精確調整各種角度的輔助器、以及隨著創意無限延伸的直尺組,幫助您克服模型製作的種種難題。Perfect Cut 藉由 Polarlab 獨家研發的模組化設計,將不同的切割工具解構、分析、精簡、重組,回到切割的根本重新打造,讓您一刀在手,無往不利。

您可能已經買過很多把美工刀,但每次趕著模型的時候卻仍然絕望地把紙板切歪、切壞。Polarlab Perfect Cut 以重新設計的小型美工刀為基礎,可調整切割深度並搭配角度調整器使用,不論是45度接縫、90度修邊、甚至33度C角通通難不倒您。調整、鎖緊、快速切出工整精確的斷面,讓您驕傲面對評圖,擺脫苦手窘境。

Polarlab 相信工具是手的延伸,更是加速文明發展的力量。[簡單,精確,可靠] 是工具設計的第一要務。Polarlab Perfect Cut圓柱體刀身搭配切削面的設計簡單洗練,採用統一規格的9mm刀刃讓您可以自由選擇廠牌與款式,無論是OLFA的高品質刀片或是NT的30度黑刃都相容,讓您的設計恣意揮灑。

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